Business Meeting
The Moody AA fellowship has a business meeting the first Thursday of every month.
![Thursday [OPEN Meeting]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/673120069927fd22e100ca1f/1732584236572-WAJW474MF6RR6PA75VFF/Chairs+Thursday.jpeg)
Thursday [OPEN Meeting]
This is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are glad you are all here — especially newcomers. In keeping with our singleness of purpose and our Third Tradition which states that “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking,” we ask that all who participate confine their discussion to their problems with alcohol.
![Tuesday [Closed Meeting]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/673120069927fd22e100ca1f/1731800200090-J31HJAA1QGUQB4SSRKBB/Chairs.jpeg)
Tuesday [Closed Meeting]
In support of AA’s singleness of purpose, attendance at CLOSED meetings is limited to persons who have a desire to stop drinking. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend this meeting.

The Moody AA group likes to gather for a slice of pie (that’s New York for slice of pizza) just before the first Tuesday night meeting of each month. Come and join us for a time of fellowship and laughter!